How To Make Sure Your Next Home Is Eco-Friendly

How To Make Sure Your Next Home Is Eco-Friendly

There is no way of getting around having an environmental impact when you move. But, there are many things you can do to offset any negative reactions that your relocation has caused. You owe it to yourself, to your children, and to Mother Earth to be as environmentally-friendly as possible as you change your address. Here are five ways to do just that.

Understand the importance of environmentally-friendly products.

Before you can truly be environmentally friendly during your move, you must first understand the reasons why. Using environmentally-friendly products and services can most importantly lead to global sustainability. It’s also often less expensive and promotes healthier living. The Chicago Green Box also asserts that environmentally-friendly products, such as appliances and home decor, require less maintenance, which means more time for you. As you begin to think about buying and decorating a new home, look for handmade products like this clock by Rustic Art.

Map it out.

As you’re evaluating new locations, take a look at the map. You not only want to know where your home is, but where it is in proximity to your work, schools, parks, and playgrounds. Ideally, you can be at a location where you can use your bike to commute, which BikeRadar suggests reduces air pollution as well as wear and tear on your community's infrastructure. You can also check to see if you have an organic grocery store close to your new home. Buying organic — especially locally-grown products — conserves water and keeps chemicals and pesticides from the soil.

Plan ahead for the actual move.

Planning your actual move is also an important step toward environmental friendliness. One of your top considerations here is your moving company. Start your search online (you can type “top movers near me” in your browser bar). This will give you a list of many local moving companies, which you can then evaluate by reading reviews online. Narrow down your choice to the top three, and confirm that they plan to use efficient routes and take other steps to reduce waste. Quick tip: get an estimate in writing – not over the phone. A legitimate moving agency will take the time to inspect your belongings to ensure they can provide the most fuel-efficient vehicle possible.

Prioritize energy efficiency.

If you plan to buy, make sure that you outfit your new property with energy-efficient appliances, windows, and water faucets. You might also look into adding solar panels, which Consumer Affairs notes may even get you a tax credit of up to 26%. Keep in mind further that if you plan to purchase a new washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, and other large appliances that it might be best to order those for delivery on the same day. This will reduce the number of trips to your home.

Make minor repairs before you move in.

Once you have decided on a home, spend a day making small updates before you move in. Caulking the windows and weather-sealing the doors are two great examples. You also want to clean the gutters and have the HVAC and electrical system serviced. Change all the lightbulbs to LEDs and swap out the old manual thermostat for a smart version that you can control when you are not around.

When environmental sustainability is on the top of your list, you have to take action before you move. Buying handmade goods, reducing your commute time, and making sure your new home is energy-efficient are all smart ways to get started. Finally, remember: if you’re renting, you can always ask your landlord for information on how they prioritize the environment.

Check out Rustic Art any time you need beautiful, environmentally-friendly decor for your home or office.

Image via Pexels

This article is written by Lisa Walker who is a proud SAHM (Stay at Home Mom). She enjoys trail hiking and beach-coming with her husband Jake when not busy with her boys and home improvement projects. She created Neighborhood Sprout as a passion project to share her love of homeownership with others.